Advocacy Committee Meeting - March 2025
Monthly meeting of the Advocacy Committee.
Event Details
Monthly Meeting of the Austin Apartment Association's Advocacy Committee
Standing Committee meets the second Tuesday of the month.
Time: 12 pm to 1pm
Location: AAA Offices located at 8620 Burnet Road, Suite 475
Who can attend? Advocacy Committee voting members and non-voting members may attend.
Committee Chair: Taryn Merrill, Greystar
Vice-Chair: Gina Frazza, RPM Living
Executive Committee Liaison: Heather Garvey, CWS Apartment Homes
For More Information:
Advocacy Committee Purpose, Mission:
Monitors all branches of government in the 11-county AAA service area to identify issues and policy actions that impact the rental housing community. As the focal point for deliberations on AAA's public policy agenda, the committee discusses trending local issues and policies that affect rental housing providers and industry and proposes actions and official industry positions on important topics.
Federal and state issues and topics are also monitored and discussed. The Advocacy Committee also ensures AAA viewpoints are represented to the State and National Legislative Committees via AAA-appointed members to those bodies as well as appearing before them to communicate directly. In addition, within the Advocacy Committee is the Apartment PAC (Political Action Committee) subcommittee.