Austin Proposing Changes to the Property Maintenance Code


The City of Austin is updating their technical codes this year.  The codes to be updated include building, plumbing, mechanical, energy and fire.  Also included will be the property maintenance code, and the deadline to review and comment on the code changes is April 15. 

The International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) is a model code that regulates the minimum maintenance requirements for existing residential and commercial buildings. The IPMC is intended to establish minimum standards for basics such as structural conditions, lighting, ventilation, sanitation, and fire safety.  The last time the City of Austin update the IPMC they inserted carbon monoxide detector requirements for all residential units even including single family homes.

There are several new code provisions being proposed to the IPMC and members are asked to review and comment on the proposals. One new provision is that all foundation walls and foundation skirting shall be maintained “free from open cracks and breaks and shall be kept in such condition so as to prevent the entry of rodents and other pests”.  Another new provision calls for inspection requirements for units used for short term rentals.  

To view the changes to the IMPC and submit comments go to:

To view the entire listing of codes being updated and their update schedule and comment period go to:

The AAA will be submitting IMPC comments by April 15.  It is requested that any member comments submitted to the city by through the city’s comment portal also be also be sent the AAA for incorporation into the AAA comments. To discuss the code changes and their impacts contact Paul Cauduro, AAA Director of Government Relations at 512-323-2286 or at