Housing Assistance Programs Explained

Posted By: Tatiana Knight AAA Community Webinars,

Date Recorded: March 22, 2022

Featured speakers include:

Jezzmen McPeters, Associate Director of Housing & System Advancement, Ending Community Homelessness Coalition – ECHO

Lisa Garcia, CME, CMVO, Vice President of Assisted Housing, Housing Authority of the City of Austin

Sahil Gilani, Project Manager – Afghan Resettlement, Texas Office for Refugees

Sydney Wingate, Housing & Career Navigator, Goodwill Central Texas

Learn About Housing Programs and New Incentives Paid to Properties  

On Tuesday, March 22, at 10:00am the AAA webinar titled Housing Programs Explained will help explain the details about housing assistance programs and the new cash incentives offered to properties as part of these programs and be seamlessly folded into your current onsite practices.

The featured programs are public-private partnerships that address our community’s housing needs. The aim of this webinar is to highlight how these programs operate and dispel the myths and misconceptions about them. 

Properties that participate in housing assistance programs use their own lease, receive guaranteed rent payments, can obtain free advertisement of available units and maintain a regular landlord and tenant relationships. Now properties can also receive cash incentives for participation.

This webinar is a great opportunity to explore new opportunities for your property and learn about how participation can be seamlessly folded into your current onsite practices. New members in the multifamily industry profession are strongly encouraged to join the webinar to learn more about the operations of these programs and how they fit into the housing equation in Austin and beyond.

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