Meet the Diamonds: Infinite Capital Construction

Posted By: Edna Martinez Every Member Has a Story,
Customer Services vs. Construction Services
Infinite Capital Construction is a Customer Service Company that provides Construction Services to the Multifamily industry. The Customer comes first in everything we do. Our job is to make their problems go away. We know that if we do accomplish that goal, we will have a friend for life and never run out of business.
We don't sweat the small stuff
At Infinite, we don't mind the small stuff. Many of our competitors won't even get back to you if you don't have a big project. We love the small stuff! We won't ignore you just because you don't have a big project for us to bid on. We return most bids within 48 hours of your request.
Your multi-family, second family
Most of us spend more time at work than we do with our own families. Why not make work your second family? What could be better than spending your day working with people that you actually like? We believe that people do business with people they like. Our goal is to make friends in the multifamily business and enjoy the work we do and the people we do it with.
Do the right thing
We know that trust is a very big deal in this industry. We have been serving the Central Texas Region for over 17 years. We are committed to building long-term relationships that stand the test of time. We know that the apartment industry is a small, tight-knit community. Our reputation is critical to our success. We stand behind the work that we do for our customers and always strive to do the right thing.

Interested in connecting with Infinite Capital Construction? Visit their member profile to learn more!

The Austin Apartment Association is pleased to spotlight Infinite Capital Construction in our "Every Member Has a Story" series, in which we tell the stories of our members! It's important to note that Infinite is featured here as they are esteemed Diamond Sponsors of our association. As Diamond Sponsors, they hold a premier position within our community, enjoying special recognition and privileges. Diamond Sponsors play a vital role in supporting our mission and enhancing our programs and events. We appreciate Infinite's commitment to excellence and their invaluable contributions to our vibrant community.